Opt-out Policy
Opt-out Policy
Opting Out Of Email
You can choose to opt out of receiving email from Sales-Push at any time. You have a number of options for opting out of the different services we offer. For any of the available options, if you wish to opt out with respect to more than one email address, you must provide a separate request for each email address.
Email Messages Sent From Sales-Push.com As The Marketer
Sales-Push also markets some of its own products and services by email. When Sales-Push is the marketer, we will always be identified as such in the mailing’s content. Every email sent from Sales-Push will include appropriate unsubscribe instructions. Opting out of email offers for a specific Sales-Push service only opts you out of that service.
To opt out of all email marketing messages from Sales-Push, you must send an email to info@sales-push.com from the email address you wish to unsubscribe. Please clearly state in your email, “Unsubscribe me from all Sales-Push email marketing.”
This is the only way to assure that you no longer receive email advertising messages from Sales-Push as the marketer.
Sales-Push’s Permission-Based Email Database
Sales-Push maintains a database of permission-based email addresses that are used by Sales-Push and other marketers to send you offers of interest via email. To opt out of this database, send an email to info@Sales-Push.com from the email address you wish to unsubscribe. Please clearly state in your email, “Unsubscribe me from Sales-Push’s email database.”
Your request will be processed in a timely manner. Once your request has been processed, your email address will no longer be used by Sales-Push or be shared with third parties.
If you opt out of Sales-Push’s email database, you may continue to receive email messages from other marketers with which you have opted in. Additionally, opting out with a partner of Sales-Push does not opt you out of Sales-Push’s email database.